The Port Autorithy

Categoria: governance

The Port Autorithy

is an organisation endowed with the corporate legal status of public law and administrative autonomy. It has financial, budgetary and administrative functions.

Naples Port Authority is the governing organisation of the port area. This area stretches for about 20 km along the coastline from La Pietra (Pozzuoli) to Pietrarsa (Portici).

L’Autorità Portuale ha esteso recentemente la sua competenza al porto di Castellammare di Stabia.

The area exclusively connected to port functions is about 4 km and stretches from Vigliena to Molosiglio, including the port of Sannazzaro, known as the port of Mergellina, a subsidiary port of the port of Naples.

The property and financial management of the Port Authority is regulated by accounting regulations approved by the Italian Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and Navigation, in conjunction with the Italian Treasury Ministry.
The final account of the Port Authority is included in an annex of the budgetary statement of the Italian Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport for the financial year following the one in which the budget has been approved. The report of the financial running of the port Authority is subject to the control of the Italian Audit Commission.

Duties of the Port Authority

In accordance with Law no.84 of 1994 – reorganisation of port legislation – the Port Authority is invested with the following powers:

  1. Policy, planning, co-ordination and control of port operations such as unloading, handling, storage, and general movement of goods and other materials undertaken in the port area and other commercial and industrial activities conducted in the ports with regulation and control, including the safety from risk of accident connected to these activities and the hygiene levels of working conditions;
  2. ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the common/shared parts of the port area, including the maintenance of the seabed, by previous agreement with the Italian Ministry of Public Works which involves the use of the special/necessary funds available in the budget statement of the Administration;
  3. Granting and control of the activities related to supply by payment to port users of general services, not corresponding to nor strictly connected with the port operations in accordance with article 16, paragraph 1, identified with the decreed of the Italian Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport to be enacted within thirty days of these provisions coming into effect
    LAW January 28 1994, no. 84 and subsequent amendments
    Reorganisation of legislation regarding ports

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