
General Secretary

Avv. Emilio Squillante Emilio Squillante is a lawyer who comes from the South of Italy. He was born in 1958 in a town that is situated halfway between Naples and Salerno: Nocera Inferiore. This is a town of ancient traditions and where nearly everybody knows one another. He lives in Naples. His appointment as General Secretary of the Port Authority has come at the end of a long career which began in 1983 when he was appointed Vessel Lieutenant in...

Board of Auditors

The Board of Auditors consists of three permanent members and three temporary members, appointed by decree by the Ministry for Transport and Navigation from a list of those registered in the roll off official auditors. One permanent member, with presidential functions, and a temporary member are appointed by the Treasury Ministry. The Board of Auditors remain in office for four years. Composition of the Board of Auditors (Decree issued by the Ministry for Infrastructure of 30/03/2004) Dott. Paolo Castaldi - President dott. Adriano BUFFI...

Port Committee

The Port Committee is a collective body which consists of the president Representative of Port Authority (who is head of the committee), the harbour master (vice president), representatives of the Finance Ministry, the Ministry of Public Works, the regional and provincial governing authorities, the city council, port business categories, and port employees’ unions. Composition of the Port Committee Name and surname Representatives on behalf of Antonio Basile President Port Authority Arturo Faraone Harbour Master – Naval Director - Vice President Guglielmo Cassone Harbour Master of...

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